Talks and Articles

Using Serverless with LocalStack
In this article, we’re going to explore how you can leverage LocalStack to create a local development environment for a Serverless application.

Anatomy of a Node API
In this article, we will examine the various components that make up a Node.js application, learning how they function and looking at a brief example.

Signaling in WebRTC
In the second installment of our overview of WebRTC, I takes a closer look at the signaling process and explore the most common approach to signaling as well as some less conventional approaches to help you understand how signaling works.

Introduction to WebRTC
In this talk, I go over some basics of WebRTC, how it’s being used in the real world today, and how you can leverage it to build real-time audio and video communication right into your web applications.

CanJS Webcam Preview Component
In this article, I will introduce you to the MediaDevices API and walk through the steps required to make a User Media Preview Component using CanJS and DoneJS.